If you are planning a special photography event by a professional photographer within the Botany Garden & Greenhouse, we require that you please fill out the form below. The Director will follow up with an invoice to for you to submit the payment of a fee that must be paid by check. The funds collected for this purpose go to the general fund of the Department of Botany.
We prefer that the photography events be done from 1 to 4pm Monday to Friday. In special cases, the director can allow photoshoots at different times, including weekends if necessary.
Please read our requested rules and regulations below.

-At any given time, there may be watering, teaching, research, or other touring activities in the greenhouses or garden. We ask that you respect the privacy and space of other uses and not disrupt by taking photos in an occupied area.
-Photography in the Botany Greenhouse must be done during the hours of noon to 4 pm Monday to Friday, excluding UW Madison holidays.
-The Botany Garden is open from dawn to dusk for photography.
-Restrict all posing to hard surfaced paths and lawns; DO NOT pose people in or on the rocks, standing on benches, or within the garden beds.
-SHOES MUST BE WORN AT ALL TIMES when inside the greenhouse.
PARKING – There is no parking in the Botany Garden or Greenhouse, see UW Website for suggested parking instructions on during business hours.
CONFIRMATION OF SCHEDULING: If you do not have email or verbal confirmation from the director, you are not allowed to come for your event. The event must be scheduled and confirmed.
Privacy Statement:
UW-Madison and the Department of Botany does not sell, rent, trade, or distribute any personally identifiable information obtained from clients to a third party, except in cooperation with government agencies or as required by law. Information collected by the UW-Madison is used for the administrative and operational purposes of our services.
Cost and Payment:
One time photography permit – $50 during the week days and 100$ on the weekend.
Please mail a check to the below address made out to “UW-Madison Botany Garden and Greenhouse” with
the memo |”greenhouse/garden photography fee”
Mailing Address:
Cara Streekstra
430 Lincoln Drive
Madison, WI 53706
Contact/Cancellation/Refund Policy:
Please contact the Botany Garden and Greenhouse collections manager, Cara Streekstra at streekstra <@> wisc.edu with further requests or other questions. Once the check has been deposited, we are not allowed to return it. The check can be mailed after the event.