Botany Greenhouse

The Botany Greenhouse has served as a laboratory of learning and oasis of tranquility for generations of University of Wisconsin-Madison students.

The eight rooms, divided into 11 distinct climate zones, encompassing 8,000 square feet, located north of University Avenue and bounded by Chamberlain, Lathrop and Birge Halls, features more than 1,000 species comprising distinct aquatic, desert and tropical communities.

The Department of Botany and other university departments make extensive use of the greenhouse. This is a working facility, permitting UW faculty and students to undertake a variety of research projects in plant geography, physiology, anatomy, ecology, taxonomy and other related areas.

In addition to meeting essential teaching and research interests, the greenhouse is an aesthetic resource for students and the community. Botany Greenhouse staff assist numerous visitors seeking advice on plants for their homes and gardens; during winter months, the facility is used as a setting for many students in art, literature, and philosophy; the greenhouse serves touring school children, in whom the seeds of environmental stewardship are first planted. Within an increasingly urbanized environment, the Botany Greenhouse has become refuge of greenery and serenity.


All staff and students in the Department of Botany are expected to abide by Botany Garden and Greenhouse Operations Policy. The Rules and General Guidelines are available at the Director’s office (144 Birge Hall). All completed forms should be returned to the Director.